iPhone Service Malaysia
Motherboard Repair Center

NOTICE: Please make an appointment via WhatsApp or call the office before walking in. We respond during working hours.

Training Class 2025

How much full training course?

We are offering the training at the previous rate of $3800 USD.

If you’re online course student, you get discount of what you have paid in online. 

The Class is open for a limited time!

The first batch of classes in 2025 will run from March 1 to March 30.

The second batch will run from July 1 to July 30.

The schedule for the third batch in November has not been decided yet.

How to make reservation?

Requirements to Reserve Your Seat:

  1. Screenshot your flight ticket.
  2. Join the online course for Semester 1 to study basic circuit knowledge.

You can contact me through WhatsApp.

How long do I need?

Our training program is designed to match different skill levels. We will evaluate each student to determine how long the training should be. If you’re a totally beginner, you could finish the training in just 1 month, minimum 6 hours 6 days a week. 26 days is enough. 

No need to worry if you join in the middle of the class, as the training is tailored to each student’s needs.

When should I come?

At this stage, you should be aware that you can find the most affordable flight ticket to travel here. You don’t necessarily have to join right at the beginning on first day of the month.

Daily Schedule

We are open from 10 AM to 6 PM, but I will be available from 10:30 AM to 6 PM.

Lunch break is from 2 PM to 3 PM.

Sometimes training might go overnight, depending on our progress, mood, and health.

We are closed every Friday.

Training Contents

Everything about repairing iPhone Logic Board for all generation.
I customize the course based on your skills and the time you have, so I won’t list everything. If you’re unsure or lack confidence, it might be best not to enroll.

What if I can't complete the training?

You can join the next available batch of training. The second time is free.

Will I receive a certificate after the training?

Yes, A trophy will be awarded if you successfully pass my exams. Students who fail will only receive a certificate of participation.

The list of names of those who receive graduated certificate will also be posted on my website. This ensures that only authorized certificates are recognized, which can be advantageous for job hunting.

What about accommodation and meals?

You can continue to read such information in this page