iPhone Service Malaysia
Motherboard Repair Center

NOTICE: Please make an appointment via WhatsApp or call the office before walking in. We respond during working hours.

Headphone Port / Charger Port Stuck Fix

Broken headphone stuck inside the jack

Broken headphone stuck inside iPad
Please send to professional before you damage the device.

Things like this sometimes happened on the cheap accessories. A broken headphone’s jack left stuck inside of the iPhone or iPad port.

We fixed this issue a lot, but most of this issue won’t need to replace the port or the jack.

I know the Apple Center tells you they need to keep the device for a few days to check, and then they will quote you a price later.
Most of the cases, they will quote you a very expensive cost to repair. Some will even quote you a price of device replacement.

How much to fix the headphone jack of iPad or iPhone?

We usually can fix this type of problem without replacing any parts. We charge you RM50 – RM80 between if we were able to remove it, plus it’s working again. Cost is depends on the model. 

How long to fix the stuck headphone jack?

iPhone can be done in few hours. iPad is about half day to one day. 

Please do not further damage it

If you DO NOT have the proper tools to remove it, please DO NOT attempt to make it worst.
I see a lot of customers scratched or dent it.

The worst case is the port is damaged by an unprofessional shop, which ends up to replace the port.
Read the their company profile to see their experience. Check our profile page.

Do NOT simply believe whatever Expert, Best or NO.1 Malaysia… Some of them damaged the port and asked the customer to replace it. But some models are require soldering, and they can’t do it. 

Tools to fix stuck headphone jack
We have multiple type of pliers to do the suitable job.

Broken Lightning cable stuck inside charger port

Broken lightning cable stuck inside the charger port
This issue is the hardest to pull it out. Customer already scratched the iPad before they it send to here.
Cable broken stuck in port stuck fix
We can be very careful not to damage the port when we are removing it because we doing under a microscope.

No Fixed No Pay

Stuck charger port fixed
We will test the charging port after we fixed.

Our company on No-Fixed-No-Pay policy. We only charge the customer if it’s successfully repaired.

Repair Cost?

RM 50 to RM 80 between. Actual cost depends on the model. Some model require us to open the device.