iPhone Service Malaysia
Motherboard Repair Center

NOTICE: Please make an appointment via WhatsApp or call the office before walking in. We respond during working hours.

iPhone 13 Pro / Pro Max Screen Problem

Display is white or green...

iPhone 13 Pro or iPhone 13 Pro Max screen problem. Regardless of the color being displayed, the screen appears blank with no images visible. If you are facing this issue, your iPhone might belong to a batch that has manufacturing defects, but still many users reported the problem show up after the iOS update. 

You can take it to an Apple Center to see if you can still claim the warranty, even if it has expired.

If Apple doesn't cover the warranty for your device

If the Apple Center refuses your claim, you can consider taking it to a third-party repair service like us because we might be able to fix it without replacing the entire screen.

How to fix iPhone 13 Pro / Pro max Screen Problem without replacing a new screen?

Video below we have explained what’s the trick. It’s just one of the trick. Actually the solution is based on what we found the damage from your screen which is a lot of works. 

How much if we do it?

We will charge RM 250 if it’s fixed without replacing a new screen.
No charge if we couldn’t fix it. 

How long to repair?

About 2 hours but make appointment before you come.