iPhone Service Malaysia
Motherboard Repair Center

NOTICE: Please make an appointment via WhatsApp or call the office before walking in. We respond during working hours.

iPhone LCD Screen Replacement

Looking for iPhone screen replacement?

We have both original and compatible LCD screens. Some models can be done in one hour.
Check out the price list below. Scroll to lowest part for cheaper options. 

  • All price included installation *

iPhone Original LCD / OLED Screen Price 2025

  • True Tone

    True Tone is not affected

  • No Pop Up Message

    There won't be any message saying display not genuine

iPhone Compatible LCD / OLED Screen Price 2025

Compatible screen and original the biggest difference is color quality. Touch-sensitive will be noticeable if you’re a heavy gamer.
*Installation / Labour included*

  • True Tone

    True Tone is not affected

  • No Pop Up Message

    There won't be any message saying display not genuine (Certain Models Only)


It’s about 30 to 60 minutes. Please inquiry for stock availability. 

Data is not affected.
But we need your passcode in order to test before repair and after.

If you have a privacy problem with the data, you can backup and erase it before you come. Or you can accept the risk that we don’t bear responsibility for any damage in the process.

By giving us full access to your device, we will be responsible for any installation damage in the process.

Yes, we do install back the water-resistance seal for your device.
But please do not think it’s a waterproof iPhone. Even it didn’t repair before, it can get water damaged somehow.

Water-resistance is only good for the first few months.
Here is the link to what Apple said about water resistance.

Face ID and True Tone will not be affected as long it’s still working when you send in. 
If it’s not working, then we can help you to check how much to repair it too. But it will require one more hour. 

Warranty will be voided if the glass is damaged, cracked, liquid damaged, or abused. 

If the glass is in a good condition and you have a display problem or touch-sensitive, it will be valid to our warranty. 

The warranty is for the display and touches only. Any other problem in the future, you can send to us and we check what’s wrong. Another repair will be discounted. 

We also have a refundable policy in 1st month. 
Example: Let say you repaired the screen and 2 weeks later suddenly the phone got a signal problem. We found out it’s a motherboard problem. We quoted you a discounted price but you still don’t have enough budget to repair it. We can take back the screen and refund. But of course, the screen must not be scratched or damaged. 

Sorry, we don’t have on-site service. 

Yes. We do accept both. VISA and MASTER but no AMEX.